Keira High School

Great traditions, a confident future.

Telephone02 4229 4644

New wet weather sport policy.

Wet weather sport policy.

Wet Weather Arrangements

Wet weather can impact the implementation of our weekly Sport program and therefore, the opportunity for your child to engage in meaningful, quality physical activities.

Although, our current wet weather arrangements involve relevant activities related to Sport and its overall benefits on wellbeing, there will be new arrangements commencing Wednesday 26 June 2019.

Enhancing the wellbeing and learning of every student remains our key focus. It is an expectation that students will engage in either our weekly Sport program or, in the case of wet weather, continued curriculum learning. This removes the need for any student to leave school early on a Wednesday other than those who present an early leavers pass that has been organised at the beginning of the school day, as per procedure and students who present sick during the school day. Students who are unwell will need to go to sick bay where they will be treated accordingly and parent/caregivers will be contacted by office staff.

Below are listed the process for wet weather sport.

  • A decision to move to Wet Weather Sport arrangements will be made as early as possible on the Sport day
  • Teachers and students will be notified*
  • Lunch as normal 12:35-1:15pm
  • At the conclusion of lunch, students will go to their allocated class as          notified e.g. Period 1 and 2 class
  • Your child’s teacher for these periods will mark the roll and continue to teach content following on from their previous lesson
  • Students will be dismissed from class at 2:35pm