Message from Mr Scott Frazier, Principal.
Principal Message
Welcome to Keira High School. It is my privilege to be providing the welcome to our website, as the current Principal of this fine school.
I acknowledge that our school is on Dharawal land and pay my respect to the elders, past, present and emerging. I acknowledge the Wodi Wodi people, as the traditional custodians of the land and recognise that learning has taken place here at the feet of Mt Keira for thousands of years. The students in our classes are the next generation of elders and it is important to provide them with the support, opportunities and connections to be a leader in the community.
As the Principal of the school, there are many responsibilities that come with the position. I consider the highest responsibility as providing an excellent place to learn and to give people opportunities for their own journey. I know that everyone is on their own journey, have different goals, and come from different backgrounds. A student’s learning journey lasts with us for only a few years, but we need to be providing people with options to take, problems to solve, strengths to discover and relationships to build.
After working at a number of different schools in South West Sydney and the Riverina, I am excited to be leading Keira High School. The strong traditions and strategies for strengthening successful students ensure that Keira High School is well placed to deliver excellent learning opportunities.
I love working with staff to help them support students and provide great possibilities for them.
It is great to work with parents and community members to discover about their children and how the community can work with our school,
Importantly, it is the students that inspire me to keep making improvements and giving them the chance to fulfil whatever their potential is.
Thank you for being part of our school community and working with us.
School Information
Keira High School Motto: “Great Traditions, a confident future"
Keira High School seeks to provide a holistic education that is relentlessly focused upon the development of the whole child. Our vision is to promote equity and excellence to ensure that all students become successful learners across a diverse curriculum, confident, creative individuals and active and informed citizens. The school's innovative and dynamic learning environment will build leaders of tomorrow, successful professionals, trades and business people, worthy citizens, great friends and happy individuals. We will drive an academic culture that challenges and supports all students to pursue excellence and develop a lifelong love of learning. We will promote the skills for all our students to confidently engage future technologies and respond to the rapidly evolving landscape of the 21st Century.
Our 2021-2024 Strategic Directions:
Student Growth and Attainment: To transform the literacy and numeracy of all students. To build a paradigm that values these key essentials as critical to all successful learning. To foster a culture of high expectations across the curriculum to ensure that all students are engaged in, and supported by personalised learning agendas that identify performance and chart improvement.
Enabling the Learner: To embed within the mindset of all students a respect of self, a celebration of diversity and an appreciation of their place and contribution to their world. To place all students at the centre of their own learning through a holistic education that enables learner agency.
Enabling High impact Teaching: To ensure that all teachers create challenging and supportive learning environments that relentlessly target improved learning outcomes for every student. All teachers will value, demonstrate and share outstanding professional knowledge and collaborative practice to be positioned as instructional leaders.
Keira High School provides all the advantages and opportunities of a large comprehensive high school.
If you need to contact the school the first place to start is with the Year Advisor or the Head Teacher of the subject where you have an inquiry. The staff list will help you with the name of the right person.
If you are unsure, please call the office and our friendly administration staff will assist in directing the call. We understand that High School can be a very big place with so many faces that this process can be difficult.
Thank you for taking the time to look at our website. We hope that the information it contains is useful in answering any questions you may have.